Abstracts for Mark Hansen’s Talks

Here are the abstracts for Mark Hansen’s talks next week:

Feed-Forward, or the “Future” of 21st Century Media (Monday, July 2, 6pm, room 615)

21st century media designates media following its shift from a past-directed recording platform to a data-driven anticipation of the future.  In my talk,  I shall focus on the experiential challenges posed by this shift, shall sketch a post-phenomenological account of sensation, and shall explore the privilege of sound as a medium for slowing down microtemporal sensibility.

The End of Pharmacology?: Historicizing 21st Century Media (Tuesday, July 3, 10am, room 615)

Pharmacology designates the double operation of media which simultaneously threaten human modes of experience and provide remedies for their threat.  In my talk, I shall explore the history of media pharmacology from writing onwards and shall focus on the “perversion” of pharmacology in the contemporary media environment.  Taking Facebook as my prime example, I shall ask what happens when the operationality of a media platform – the gathering of data traces of user activity – is wholly divorced from its function as entertainment/content.

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