Out Now: [in]Transition 3.4


[in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, issue 3.4 is out now. It includes a range of forms and genres, including voiceover-driven video essay, cross-textual mashup, fanvid-as-scholarship, and two experiments with the affordances of networked digital media: Booth Wilson’s “Landscape in Paradigms” (which places Westerns shot in Monument Valley back into that landscape as mediated by Google Earth) and my own “Don’t Look Now: Paradoxes of Suture” (which experiments with spatial configurations of shots and introduces some minimal interactivity to disrupt the linearity of the video and allow the user to dwell and progress at his or her own pace).


As usual, all contributions are accompanied by statements from their makers, as well as open peer reviews that situate the works in relation to emerging forms of videographic scholarship and research. Check it the full issue here.