OUT NOW: Post-Cinematic Bodies (+ pics from book launch event)

My book Post-Cinematic Bodies is now out!

An open-access version of the book can be downloaded for free from meson press (here), and a limited number of print copies are available for purchase at Hopscotch Reading Room in Berlin, where the book launch was held on July 3. Paperbacks will be more widely available soon; the book is currently listed on Amazon Germany, and it should be appearing for other regions in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Here are some pictures from the book launch, where I was in conversation with Mark Hansen. Turnout was great, and it was lots of fun!

In conversation with Mark Hansen
Trying to answer one of Mark’s tough questions!
Reading from the book
Enjoying a cool beverage
How many famous media theorists can you spot?
Mark B. N. Hansen
Francesco Casetti
Eylül İşcen and Karin Denson
Selfie with friends
Dinner afterwards: Karin Denson, Shane Denson, Mark Hansen, Francesco Casetti, Bernard Geoghegan, and Siddhartha Lokanandi

BOOK LAUNCH UPDATE: New Date (July 3) and Location! In conversation with Mark B. N. Hansen

Please note: Due to factors outside of my control, the book launch event for Post-Cinematic Bodies, originally scheduled for this Thursday June 29, has been postponed to next Monday, July 3 at 7pm.

I am happy to announce that I will be in conversation with Mark B. N. Hansen!

Please also note the change of venue, to the Kurfürstenstraße location of Hopscotch Reading Room!

BOOK LAUNCH! June 29, 2023: Hopscotch Reading Room, Berlin


On Thursday, June 29, Hopscotch Reading Room (Gerichtstraße 43 in the Wedding district of Berlin) will be hosting a book launch event for my new book Post-Cinematic Bodies — which will be out both in print and open-access digital formats from meson press. There will be paperbacks available for purchase at the launch, and they’ll be more widely available soon afterwards. If you’re in town, come out around 7pm for a short reading, discussion, and drinks!