Meet the duck-rabbit’s evil cousin

Everyone knows “the duck-rabbit,” the figure seen above, which Wittgenstein elevated to the lovably cute and velvety philosophical icon of visual multistability. Well, Mr. Duck-Rabbit, meet your evil cousin, “Harmlos wirkender Rattentod” (Seemingly Harmless Rat-Death), as conceived by my son Ari:

Media Art: Robotic Remediations

Real, working (self-built!) radio in retro-future robot look; mixed media: radio, dismantled hard drive, old-school telephone cable, papier-maché, cardboard, glass beads, hot glue, working light bulb and socket, 2 x AA batteries, Pokéball, silver spray paint.

Artist: Ari Denson (my 9-year-old son!)

UPDATE: Ari and his robot appeared in the newspaper (Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung) last week:

The newspaper article is online here.