Post-Cinematic Bodies — pics from US book launch!

Book launch in the Terrace Room, Margaret Jacks Hall, Nov. 6, 2023
It was a packed house. Gave away 40 copies of my book!
A long overdue gathering of friends and colleagues. My last book came out in the deepest Zoom time of the pandemic, so I had to make up for it!
Discussing Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Pulse series, which I write about in Chapter 5.
Wonderful response from Annika Butler-Wall, focusing on the implications of my book for feminist studies of technology.
Hank Gerba introducing Scott Bukatman
Scott Bukatman’s excellent response focused on the continuities in spirit, and changes in the world, from his Terminal Identity (1993) to my Post-Cinematic Bodies (2023)
Bryan Norton
Pavle Levi
With Sepp Gumbrecht
With Grace Han

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